Tag Archives: white blanket

Snowy London

snow london

Most of my friends who live in London, have accepted the fact that they won’t be seeing more than an inch of snow this winter, just like it has happened in the previous years. But not today… This morning, London woke up to a blanket of snow, and according to the weather forecast this is expected to last for a while longer. In fact the Siberian gales are bringing five days of sub-zero weather. The temperature is expected to drop at around -11 degrees celsius.

I think it would be beautiful to see the City of London covered in white… But since I cannot just buy a flight ticket and see it for myself photos will have to do….

snow house of parliament
The House of Parliament and the surroundings covered in snow
snow london hyde park
Swimmers taking a dip in Serpentine Lido, in London’s Hyde Park
snow london home of cricket
Home of Cricket is all white
snow stanmore station north west
Snowy Stanmore Station; North West of London

Main source for these beautiful photos… The Daily Mail