Tag Archives: respect


Lately I have been discussing this with a number of people, and some people seem to be in awe with regards to my will power. I still have some more to go, but I think I am almost there, on most aself_control_posterspects.

Self-control is a form of restraining yourself. Like everything else, restraining yourself in an exagerated way is wrong. Stopping eating altogether is bad, hiding entirely your feelings and emotions is also bad. One needs to learn to say no, when it’s enough. One bar of chocolate a day, is good enough. Stop letting people treating you like crap, or taking advantage of you.

Controlling your own behaviour would help you in both your personal life as well as at work.When you discipline yourself, you can plan better and finish within your deadline. Self-control helps you focus on your life and goals. On your journey.

These are a few tips I have learned along the way:

1. Look at the big picture – What do you want to achieve? How are you going to get there?
2. Remember the basics – Take it one step at a time, you will get there.
3. Don’t procrastinate – Focus
4. Love yourself – Respect yourself and it doesn’t hurt to reward yourself from time to time too!
5. Be confident – This i where I still struggle.
6. Rest – Don’t over do it. Make sure you get a good night sleep, so you can work harder the next day!